BURDOCK ROOT | Detoxifying


Guinea Gourmet Treats' Burdock Root is a premium, natural treat designed to enhance the health and well-being of your small pets. Burdock root is renowned for its detoxifying properties and rich content of essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium, and antioxidants. These benefits support healthy digestion, a robust immune system, and overall vitality. The fibrous texture of Burdock Root also promotes natural chewing behaviors, which is important for dental health. Ideal for rabbits, guinea pigs, tortoises, parakeets, green iguanas, chinchillas, gerbils, rats, mice, degus, and hamsters.

Burdock Root is a nutrient-rich forage option that provides a range of health benefits for your pets. Known for its natural detoxifying properties, burdock root is an excellent addition to a balanced diet:

  • Nutritional Benefits: Burdock root is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins (especially vitamins A, C, and E), and essential minerals. It supports digestive health, promotes liver function, and helps eliminate toxins from the body. Its high fiber content also aids in maintaining healthy gut flora.


  • Guinea Pigs & Rabbits: Highly suitable; burdock root provides valuable nutrients and fiber, contributing to their overall health and digestion.
  • Chinchillas & Degus: Suitable in moderation; while beneficial, it should be offered in small quantities to avoid excessive intake.
  • Gerbils, Hamsters, Rats & Mice: Suitable; can be offered as an occasional treat to enhance variety in their diet.
  • Tortoises: Suitable; small amounts can be included in their diet, but ensure the majority consists of leafy greens and vegetables.
  • Green Iguanas: Not suitable; they require a diet primarily of leafy greens and vegetables.
  • Parakeets: Suitable in moderation; can be given as an occasional treat, but ensure it does not exceed their main diet of seeds and vegetables.

Feeding Instructions:

  • Guinea Pigs & Rabbits: Small pieces (1-2) daily as part of their forage mix.
  • Chinchillas & Degus: Small amounts (1 piece) once or twice a week; focus on moderation to prevent digestive upset.
  • Gerbils, Hamsters, Rats & Mice: 1-2 pieces weekly as a special treat.
  • Tortoises: Small amounts occasionally, combined with a leafy green diet.
  • Green Iguanas: Not suitable.
  • Parakeets: Occasional treat, no more than once a week.
